Deby Nouanlasy

Hi, I’m Deby a digital designer.

With over 3 years of experience in marketing, sales, and education, I create platforms that

have meaningful impacts on peoples lives by focusing on the individuals who use them.

With over 3 years of experience in marketing, sales, and education, I

create platforms that have meaningful impact on peoples lives by

focusing on the individuals who use them.

With over 3 years of experience in marketing, sales, and education, I create platforms that have meaningful impacts on peoples lives by focusing on the individuals who use them.

Design with intention & empathy

I am passionate about helping businesses in the travel and hospitality industry by making creative, user-focused solutions to promote cultural exchange and understanding.

With my experiences in marketing and education, I have been able to refine my skills in storytelling and communication and apply them in my role as a product designer.

I truly value learning and understanding more about the world around me. As a product designer, I aim to create user-centered solutions that positively impact peoples lives.

You can find me playing pool, tennis, board games, or watching romantic comedies when I'm not designing. 

A look into my life